My order will not arrive on time and the cat is not covered by the drug for a few days, what should I do?

It may happen that due to delays in placing the order by the owner, or delays i delivery by the courier, the cat risks missing the daily dose of GS.

What to do? If the cat is in stable condition and in an advanced stage of therapy (at least a month of treatment already carried out), one or two days without the drug will not create any problems, although it would be better to never skip the injection. However, there is no danger if the treatment then resumes regularly.

If, however, the cat is still ill and the symptoms are still present because the treatment has recently started, it would be better to guarantee the daily injection.

Our advice to owners is to try and source a vial of GS locally in your area. You can search for the drug in Facebook groups dedicated to FIP or pages of catteries and feline no profit organizations. In this way, a vial can be found quickly without putting the therapy at risk.


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